Épargne: Les bonnes habitudes à adopter! – Partie 1 –
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Épargne: Les bonnes habitudes à adopter! – Partie 1 –

Bienvenue dans la série FIREHabit où vous trouverez quelques conseils pratiques sur la manière d’atteindre l’indépendance financière. Abonnez vous à la chaine Youtube ici Si vous vous demandiez par où commencer pour améliorer votre situation financière, «l’épargne» devrait certainement figurer en tête de liste. Que vous poursuiviez ou non le long voyage vers l’indépendance financière,…

Saving Habits – part 3
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Saving Habits – part 3

Welcome to the FIREHabit series where you’ll find some actionable tips on how to reach Financial Independence. In Saving Habits – part 2, you’ll find some useful tips about how to save on Housing, transportation and groceries. Check it out!!! Good credit habits: Our credit health has a huge impact on our savings strategy. Considering…

Saving Habits – Part 2
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Saving Habits – Part 2

Welcome to the FIREHabit series where you’ll find some actionable tips on how to reach Financial Independence. In Saving Habits – part 1, you’ll find some useful tips about how to save on Housing. Check it out!!! Transportation habits: Transportation is another significant amount of $$$ that could help you reach your FI number if…

Saving Habits – Part 1
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Saving Habits – Part 1

Welcome to the FIREHabit series where you’ll find some actionable tips on how to reach Financial Independence. If you were wondering where to start to reach your Financial Independence, «Saving» should for sure come on top of your list. Either you are pursuing the FIRE journey or not, saving has always been a straightforward method…

Work from home: a shortcut to Financial Independence?
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Work from home: a shortcut to Financial Independence?

Let’s be honest, this pandemic will forever change the workplace as we know it. Managers that were reluctant to let their employees work from home because of a lack of productivity have been proven wrong. Productivity is not tied to a physical presence anymore, thanks to technology. According to «Global Workplace Analytics», 56% of the…

Market crash: Staying the course!

Market crash: Staying the course!

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, our lives are turned upside down; From the youngest to the oldest, different social classes and different countries. Everybody is threatened by this virus. For the lucky ones, it will only survive in their body for a while, creating many inconveniences. But for others, it can unfortunately be…

Marchés boursiers: Pourquoi garder la tête  froide!
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Marchés boursiers: Pourquoi garder la tête froide!

En pleine pandémie du coronavirus, notre vie est chamboulée; Du plus jeune au plus vieux en passant par les différentes classes sociales et les différents pays. Ce virus apparue en fin 2019 ne fait pas dans la ségrégation. Il frappe toute âme qui ose croiser son chemin. Pour les plus chanceux, il ne fera que…